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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Free Game PC. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 01 Mei 2024

The Genesis Order PC Full Version (The Genesis Order v1.00 ) For Windows with SAVE GAME UNLOCK 100% "18+"


This time I will share an unusual game, namely an adult genre game (The Genesis Order PC Version For Windows), so this is only for adults, remember not for teenagers under age!, hehe, ok congratulations download for free & keep it confidential when playing this game.

Join (Combine) File, Extract and Run

Windows Save File Location: 
\Users\<Your User Name>\AppData\Local\User Data
 The Angel Arianna Scene:
Screenshot Game:

Download Link:
Single link 1:



 (For Combine Files "001-002 & ETC") 

 Download HJ-SPLIT  if needed
WinRAR (Extract File) DOWNLOAD link:
Download WinRAR if needed

Treasure of Nadia PC v1.0112 & v1.0117 For Windows
(With Save Game Unlock 100%) "18+"


Minggu, 24 Desember 2023

Gratis (Dibuat dari CD asli) Retro Game PC Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun + DLC Firestrom Update terbaru (3.0 beta 12 Revision 10) Cocok Untuk Windows 10 keatas

Free (Made from original CD's) Retro PC Game 
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun + DLC Firestrom 
New Update (3.0 beta 12 Revision 10) 
Suitable for Windows 10 & above

A. Gameplay & Trailer

Retro version (Gameplay):

3.0 beta 12 Revision 10 version (Gameplay):

Walaupun tidak banyak perubahan setelah diupdate, tapi setidaknya permasalahan error, kecocockan dengan Windows versi baru serta perbaikan grafik cukup membantu.

Even though there aren't many changes after the update, at least the error problems, compatibility with the new version of Windows and graphic improvements are quite helpful.


B. System Requirements


C. Installer Description (With Translate Bahasa Indonesia)

Promoting the release of Command & Conquer 4 EA released Tiberian Sun as freeware in 2010. It is therefore legal to download. The game used to be available from

This is a link to Tore's installer for installing Tiberian Sun on modern systems.

1. Features
Installs Tiberian Sun + Firestorm.

Compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (Tested), Windows 11.

2. Component Based
Allows you to automatically download and install the TS movies (This will add another 1.01 GB to your installation folder)
Memungkinkan Anda mengunduh dan menginstal film TS secara otomatis (Ini akan menambah 1,01 GB lagi ke folder instalasi Anda)

Allows you to Install a few extras. (map editor, manuals, etc) (This uses 12 MB of disc space)
Memungkinkan Anda Menginstal beberapa tambahan. (editor peta, manual, dll) (Ini menggunakan ruang disk 12 MB)

Allows you to automatically download and install the TS music (This uses 71.1 MB of disc space)
Memungkinkan Anda mengunduh dan menginstal musik TS secara otomatis (Ini menggunakan ruang disk 71,1 MB

Allows you to automatically download and install the TS campaign (This uses 32.1 MB of disc space)
Memungkinkan Anda mengunduh dan menginstal kampanye TS secara otomatis (Ini menggunakan ruang disk 32,1 MB)
Beta 12 changes
Revision 10
Updated TS components
Komponen TS yang diperbarui

Revision 9
Updated downloads for Cloudflare cache (speeds up downloads for many people)
Unduhan yang diperbarui untuk cache Cloudflare (mempercepat unduhan untuk banyak orang)

Revision 8
New config and default TS-ddraw
Konfigurasi baru dan TS-ddraw default

Revision 7
Fixed installer memory issue
Memperbaiki masalah memori penginstal

Added mirriors to campaign, extras and music
Menambahkan cermin ke kampanye, ekstra, dan musik

Revision 6
Updated some Wine compatibility
Memperbarui beberapa kompatibilitas Wine

Revision 4 changes
Added support for Wine
Menambahkan dukungan untuk Wine

Updated TSConfig and TS-DDraw (July 29th 2018)
TSConfig dan TS-DDraw yang diperbarui (29 Juli 2018)

Revision 3 changes
Fixed credits screen
Memperbaiki layar kredit
Added missing ddwrapper config file
Menambahkan file konfigurasi ddwrapper yang hilang

Added missing CnCNet files
Menambahkan file CnCNet yang hilang

Removed left over custom maps
Menghapus sisa peta khusus

Movie stretching enabled by default
Peregangan film diaktifkan secara bawaan

Revision 2 changes
Added movie mirrors
Menambahkan cermin film

Component installer should no longer repeat info screen
Penginstal komponen seharusnya tidak lagi mengulangi layar info

Revision 1 changes
Fixed broken string table (RA options were showing)
Memperbaiki tabel string yang rusak (opsi RA ditampilkan)

No longer shows FPS if dropping frames (if ts-ddraw enabled)
Tidak lagi menampilkan FPS jika menjatuhkan frame (jika ts-ddraw diaktifkan)

Fixed missing documentation
Memperbaiki dokumentasi yang hilang

Updated CnCNet to latest (May 6th 2018)
CnCNet diperbarui ke yang terbaru (6 Mei 2018)

ts-ddraw now default for Windows Vista and higher
ts-ddraw sekarang sesuai untuk Windows Vista dan lebih tinggi

New config tools
Alat konfigurasi baru

Updated config tool with support for newest ts-ddraw (select OpenGL or GDI in configuration)
Alat konfigurasi yang diperbarui dengan dukungan untuk ts-ddraw terbaru (pilih OpenGL atau GDI dalam konfigurasi)

Experimental stretching support in ddraw.ini if ts-ddraw is enabled. (select GDI in config)
Dukungan peregangan eksperimental di ddraw.ini jika ts-ddraw diaktifkan. (pilih GDI di konfigurasi)

Installer should now allow installing Skirmish if no internet connection is available
Pemasang sekarang seharusnya mengizinkan pemasangan Skirmish jika tidak ada koneksi internet tersedia

DxWnd removed from package
DxWnd dihapus dari paket
Beta 11 changes
Updated CnCNet to latest
Memperbarui CnCNet ke yang terbaru

Updated configuration tool with support for DxWnd
Alat konfigurasi yang diperbarui dengan dukungan untuk DxWnd

Slightly updated launcher
Peluncur yang sedikit diperbarui

Better support for Windows 8(.1) and Windows 10 (alt-tab, windowed mode, etc works. Note: menus in DxWnd windowed mode might be a bit slow unless you click)
Dukungan yang lebih baik untuk Windows 8(.1) dan Windows 10 (alt-tab, mode berjendela, dll berfungsi. Catatan: menu dalam mode berjendela DxWnd mungkin agak lambat kecuali Anda mengklik)

Cut off sidebars should be fixed
Sidebar yang terpotong harus diperbaiki

Bug that prevented music and movies from reading from ISO or CD when NoCD was disabled should be fixed.
Bug yang mencegah musik dan film dibaca dari ISO atau CD saat NoCD dinonaktifkan harus diperbaiki.

Game should now no longer crash at resolutions higher than about 1200px in height
Game sekarang seharusnya tidak lagi mogok pada resolusi yang lebih tinggi dari sekitar 1200 piksel

New tool to install components after install
Alat baru untuk memasang komponen setelah pemasangan

Beta 10 changes
Updated CnCNet to latest
Memperbarui CnCNet ke yang terbaru

Made from original CD's, not EA's freeware release or TFD EA
Dibuat dari CD asli, bukan rilis freeware atau TFD EA

Installs HyperPatch 0.2
Menginstal HyperPatch 0.2

Updated for Win 8(.1)
Diperbarui untuk Win 8(.1)

Optional easy to use launcher program
Program peluncur opsional yang mudah digunakan

Optional easy to use configuration tool with tons of fixes and settings
Alat konfigurasi opsional yang mudah digunakan dengan banyak perbaikan dan pengaturan

Missing DLL
DLL tidak ada

error bug fixed
bug kesalahan diperbaiki

Allows you to automatically download and install the TS music (This uses 71.1 MB of disc space)
Memungkinkan Anda mengunduh dan menginstal musik TS secara otomatis (Ini menggunakan ruang disk 71,1 MB)

Allows you to automatically download and install the TS campaign (This uses 32.1 MB of disc space)
Memungkinkan Anda mengunduh dan menginstal kampanye TS secara otomatis (Ini menggunakan ruang disk 32,1 MB)

Support for AlexB's Graphics Patch (Disableable video backbuffer)
Dukungan untuk Patch Grafis AlexB (Nonaktifkan backbuffer video)
Original release
Sets up registry entries
Menyiapkan entri registri

Allows you to play online though CnCNet
Memungkinkan Anda bermain online melalui CnCNet

Allows you to automatically download and install the TS movies (This will add another 1.01 GB to your installation folder)
Memungkinkan Anda mengunduh dan menginstal film TS secara otomatis (Ini akan menambah 1,01 GB lagi ke folder instalasi Anda)

Allows you to Install a few extras. (map editor, manuals, etc) (This uses 12 MB of disc space)
Memungkinkan Anda Menginstal beberapa tambahan. (editor peta, manual, dll) (Ini menggunakan ruang disk 12 MB)


D. Link Unduh/Download Link

1. Official Online Installer, Click👇

.....Alternatif Link Download: CLICK ME

2. Offline/Portable, Click👇 (Just Extract & Play Game, use WINRAR)
3. Click👇, Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Mods
4. WINRAR, Click👇

Senin, 03 Oktober 2022

Treasure of Nadia PC v1.0112 & v1.0117 For Windows (With Save Game Unlock 100%) "18+"


Finally, after 2 years this free website/blog has been updated again, please understand that I rarely post because many things take up my time, and by the way this time I will share an unusual game, namely an adult genre game (Treasure of Nadia PC Version For Windows), so this is only for adults, remember not for teenagers under age!, hehe, ok congratulations download for free & keep it confidential when playing this game.
The save files are located in:👇
\Users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Local\User Data
Users/Username/Library/Application Support
Copy And Paste the inner things of the Save Folder.


Play New Game First, Save, Quit or Close Game, before insert & Replace Save Game.


First Scene on Gameplay:👇

 Screenshot Game:👇

Download Link:👇


Treasure of Nadia Windows - PC v1.0117 + Save Game 100%
Alternative Download Link:  👉Click Me👈
 Download WinRAR if needed 
The Genesis Order PC Full Version (The Genesis Order v1.00) For Windows 
with SAVE GAME UNLOCK 100% "18+"